Tuesday 14 August 2012

A pair of socks, a sweater and a shawl

I have recently been catching up on lots of back episodes of the Knitmore Girls, and one thing Gigi advises has really resonated with me (actually lots of thing she advises resonate, but this one particularly so) - always have a pair of socks:

a sweater:

and a shawl on the needles. This wise piece of advice helped me forget my troubles with Spring Cloud on Sunday, as I reconnected with my pair of socks.

The socks are the "Winter Socks" from Bev Galeskas' little booklet The Magic Loop, and indeed are done using the magic loop method, which I have discovered I love for socks! The stitich pattern is a simple beaded rib, and they are chunky, hiking-style socks, perfect for the coming winter, as I like to wear thick socks with my knee boots.

The sweater is the Apple Strudel Cardigan from Yarn Forward, a bit further progressed than this photo, with only the sleeves and bands to do now.

And the shawl?  Well, I don't have one on the needles since the casting off of the Sand and Sea Shawlette. I feel a Citron coming on...

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