Saturday 30 June 2012

The travelling season is upon me

I have three sweater projects on the go, all occupying different spaces in my living room - the cardigan for Scotland (one piece, in the round, aran weight, from a 400g skein of yarn - not very portable!), Linda's sweater, which is in various states of being ripped/unripped, and a sweater I knitted for the husband over Christmas (Forest), which needed the bands reknitting, and this task I have just completed on this rather rainy Saturday afternoon. I used Eunny Jang's YouTube tutorial to help me gather up the courage to cut, but her instructions are clear and worked well. I didn't have any of the yarn left, so nipped out to my LYS (the Woolmouse, in the covered market, Richmond) and bought some similar 4 ply lambswool made by Rennie of Scotland in the shade Loden. It was an excellent match, and I redid the bottom band and both sleeve bands in this, and then edged the neckline to make it "match" the other bands. The result was very successful - but I won't post a pic as I am hoping to find the time to write up this pattern.

But sweaters, and fiddly adjustments to sweaters, don't travel well and I had part of the week just gone as holiday, and we were travelling, so I needed something for the road:
I have been thinking about the Sand and Sea Shawlette from Coastal Knits since it arrived, and decided to use the two sock yarns I bought in Helsinki earlier in the year - they are not very clear in this photo, but the MC is sort of a berry tweed, and the CC a blue variegated. Not a common combination, but I think it will work, as the berry yarn has some blue in it.

Sadly, and unusually, I did not get a chance to visit any yarn stores on my travels to Prague and Chester this week, so no new purchases, but I did spy some yarn in Prague:

This sculpture, in the Klementarium (I think that is correct) of the National Library, had baubles of clementine-coloured yarn hanging from it, and I couldn't resist a photo.

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