Monday, 10 March 2014

Wearing my knits

Some time ago, I decided to always try to wear something handknit as a main clothing item (ie not socks or a shawl) at the weekend:

The Averill vest (Knitscene)

A few weeks ago, I was organising and tidying my closet and drawers, and relegating some things to the charity shop pile, when I realised how much of a habit wearing handknits had become and how it had altered my weekend wardrobe.  Most of my handknit sweaters and tunics are now on heavy rotation - and some are wearing out!  I have no need of shop bought sweaters, but instead always need layering pieces like vests and long sleeved tees.

As in the photo above, my weekend uniform is dark denim jeans or leggings, boots, and a handknit sweater or tunic. For casual, or even dressier going out, it's a handknit sweater over a dress with tights and boots:

Garter Stitch Tunic (Creative Knitting Australia Magazine) with Handspun Handwarmers.

My handspun Rocky Coast Cardigan has been a huge success in both types of outfit since Christmas:

Rocky Coast Cardigan (out for a meal in Durham) by Hannah Fettig.

It was the feeling that I needed more cosy weekend slouchy sweaters (and a resolve to stash bust) that led me to cast on what was first going to be a poncho-style wrap:

But I reconsidered the poncho idea, and am now knitting this as a hoodie, following a Susan B Anderson recipe.

The stripes end at the yoke, and the main   colour is lavender Rowan Scottish Tweed.  I worked on this last night, in front of the TV, taking a break from my obligation knitting.

Now I don't really feel its the weekend unless I am pulling on a handknit, and I am considering extending the challenge to work (tricky, but I have a few lightweight knits which I have started wearing at work) and travel - for which I plan to cast on a 4 ply dove grey zippered cardigan....

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