Monday, 14 May 2012

More spinning

In between bouts of knitting Shrug It Off, after I finally sorted out a gauge to suit my limited amount of yarn and give the drape I am looking for, I have continued to spin the alpaca tops, bought many moons ago at Ali Palli:

The alpaca spins beautifully; it drafts like a dream and it's relatively easy to spin a fine yarn, provided I prepare it well. I have this much more to spin:

It isn't all that much - I might have enough for the Weavers Wool Shawl, or a hat and something small, perhaps. Once finished, I am hoping a neighbour comes through on his offer to provide me with a couple of sheep fleeces after his two sheep are sheared. I plan to try spinning these "in the grease" - and am hoping that I will slowly find wool easier to spin. If I spin at least one of the fleeces by the end of the year, I'll treat myself to a wheel!

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