Sunday, 1 April 2012

On an FO, casting on and awaiting inspiration!

After my success at finishing the husband's jumper this week, I decided to capitalise on the rush of finishing, and completed my current Afghan square:
This is square number 25 from the Great American Aghan book (2009, 2nd Edition), and this square is by Nancy Bush, who I know well from her beautiful sock patterns (Knitting Vintage Socks). This was a lovely square to do, and most of it was done on my commutes home this week. This square takes me to 12, so I cast on for number 13 straight away:

This is sqaure number 5, by Jacqueline Jewett, and is deliciously lacy and bobbled - very texturally appealing. After a couple of false starts I got the pattern anatomy into my head and now have the first (inner) section completed! I am starting to feel on the home straight with the afghan, as I have only enough yarn for 16 squares, so only 3 more to go after this one.

And other knitting? Well, although this all sounds very productive, yesterday found me in a knitting funk, not knowing what to do next. I only have the afghan on the needles, and need something easy, mindless and quick for post work and TV knitting - but what? I can't settle on any one project or yarn, and last night saw me fiddling with different yarns and projects, working a few rows, and then ripping out as none felt quite right. This morning I have returned to the afghan, waiting for inspiration to strike - for the perfect small, easy, beautiful and useful project....

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