Saturday, 31 December 2011

Sample Knitting - City and Guilds Module 3 begun!

I am starting my New Year's resolutions a little early, as today I started cracking on with my sample knitting for Module 3 of the City and Guilds Distance Knitting/Hand Knitted Textiles course I have been doing, on and off, for about the last 6 years. I managed to get Modules 1 and 2 complete in Washington last year, but have been dragging my heels on making a proper start on Module 3, until today, when I completed 4 samples! One of the ways I am enticing myself to knit multiple samples is to use yarn I want to work up to something - that way it feels a bit like getting a tension swatch out of the way. All my lovely single skeins from America, which are just waiting to be turned into hats and socks could be tried out this way - I feel an afternoon of winding coming on! I usually hand wind off the back of a chair while watching TV - but I have a lot to do, so perhaps a new years treat to myself might be a swift and ball winder.

My plan is knit samples on my train journey to and from work through January, and the husband's stocking stitch sweater in the evenings, when I'm usually too tired to cope with any kind of detail at all.

A very happy new year to all my readers as well - we are off to cut some rug on the dancefloor tonight; wishing you well however you are spending this new year's eve.

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