Friday, 8 July 2011

It Might Make a Good Tea Cosy...

When I'm not knitting (which is hardly ever), I sometimes sew, as detailed in this blog, and I sometimes even crochet. Now, I was taught to knit the traditional way - as a child, at my grandmother's knee - but as no one in my immediate family crocheted, I didn't learn how. Perhaps it's due to being a child in the 1970s, but I've always liked crochet, and was very excited as a much younger woman when it made a spectacular return in the early 1990s. However, I've always struggled with it. I follow how-to books when crocheting, and it really is no replacement for having someone show you how. I frequently get lost in patterns, and get very confused when increasing or decreasing, and sometimes have difficulty working out which is the right side of my work - I am used to being able to "read" my knitting easily, and staring at a piece of crochet wondering what is going wrong makes me feel very helpless!

I am slowly working my way through a basic book of crocheted patterns (Lena Maikon's Knitter's Lib) and recently tried my hand at a hat, with mixed results. I finished it, and got through the pattern, but it came out too big, and with rather obvious (and wobbly) joins at the beginning of each round. I haven't worn it.

However, in a pre-move clearout today I hesitated before putting it in a bag destined for donation. Maybe I can use it as a tea cosy....

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