Monday, 13 December 2010

Guy's Scarf

Soon I will post a photo, but last night I finished a scarf for my husband, who has been feeling the cold here in DC (and also has a long history of losing scarves that I knit him!).
Shortly after he requested it, we found ourselves at a farmer's market in the small town of Smithfield, in southern Virginia and a local alpaca farmer and spinner had a stall there selling her wares. I bought two skeins (about 350 yards) of rust-red alpaca in what was probably a 4 ply weight, and some emergency needles as I had conveniently run out of knitting to do, had no small needles with me, and had a four hour train journey the next day!
On the train I cast on 48 stitches and set to work using a basket stitch-type pattern, and knit for many hours as our train was held on the line somewhere near Providence Fort for two hours, in addition to the normal time our journey required. The pattern was inspired by recently watching the 1980s series of The Balkan Trilogy - "Fortunes of War" I think it is called, with a very young Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. It's a period piece and throughout Kenneth Branagh (who stars as Guy) wears a basket stitch scarf. I liked the look of it and filed the idea away as good for a men's scarf.
Last night I ran out of yarn, and so finished the scarf. It is light, soft and very warm - just the thing for the frigid DC temperatures last week and again this week.

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