Monday, 6 September 2010

Self Made September

So far, I have been managing to wear or use something I have made every day in September (thanks Green Apples for the idea) - it's been a good way to get more wear out of things I have made, which languish in the wardrobe far too much. Today I am wearing a skirt I made out of some Liberty fabric I bought on sale there in January; I've only worn this skirt once before, and in fact it had been scrunched up in the cupboard for so long I had to wash and iron it last week!
Why don't I wear the clothes I make more? Sometimes it's fit, sometimes it's colour, sometimes it's that it was something interesting to do, but not something I actually want to wear; that happens most often with knitting, so yes I think I am a process knitter.
The photos below show how I have been going so far; we were away at the weekend so I wore Clapotis both days - needed in the chilly mornings and evenings of County Durham! I will keep posting on my progress.

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