Last Monday was a deliscious Bank Holiday here in the UK, and I found myself with a whole day to pass. Of course, I could have done some housework, or caught up with friends I hadn't seen for a while, or caught up on some work, but instead I knitted and sewed two projects out of materials I had:
Project One: A Lovely Old Lady Bag from Eithne Farry's book "Yeah I Made It Myself", made from a vintage curtain which had been left in the cellar of our house, found when we moved in. The bag handles are from John Lewis, and I bought them a long time ago with the aim of making this bag. The bag is lined with hot pink satin, from a market haberdashery stall, and again lying around in my fabric/yarn cupboard. The brooch is from Topshop and again was lying around on my dressing table.
Project Two: Inspired by the Trangular Garter Stitch Shawl from "Knit: Handmade Style".
This shawl/scarf is made from odds and ends of jewel-toned yarns in my stash, mostly leftovers from other projects. It includes some Debbie Bliss Cathay, two different Louisa Harding yarns (sari silk and another one, unknown type), some Jaeger Pure Silk, Noro Cash Iro, Patons Washed Haze and Cargo, and Rowan Scottish Tweed. This mix makes it feel luxurious and soft - and although slightly unsure about it after finishing it I wore it shopping in the high street today and felt great in it. It was very, very therapeutic to knit, watching the colours change as the simplicity of the garter stitch induced an almost trance like state.
More blogging soon - there are projects finished to blog about, and in the pipeline.
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