Below are photos of the finished, dyed clapotis which languished at the bottom of my knitting and yarn cupboard for about 2 years before being completed. But completed it is, and dyed Fuschia Pink thanks to Dylon (hand dye). Although after reading the article on natural yarns and dying in Rowan 43 I wish I'd tried a natural dye like beetroot, as the dye I poured down the drain is probably highly polluting. Its also been quite harsh on the fibre. But I love the clapotis (as I always knew I would) and have worn it every day this week, with my black coat.
A futher FO (baby mitts) to report - this is not one of my old ones, but instead a new and quick project for knitting group. These were seriously fast and pretty cute - done in some left over Regia dk sock yarn.
Out and about today I found myself in John Lewis Kingston. And so I have come home with a handy little Noro design accessories book and 2 balls of each Cash Iroha and Silk Mountain (both half price) to do, respectively, a pair of comfy bedsocks and a beret. I have already cast on for the socks. So, you can see, I have already broken my resolution to finish things, before starting anything new. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
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