Friday, 16 November 2007

Tank Top - yet to be convinced!

Sorry about the quality of this photo - its rather dark as I took it early in the morning when light levels were low. The tank top actually looks better in this photo than I think it does on! I finished this last winter and then never wore it as I think its too short. But maybe it just needs the right top underneath!

Other knitting news - have been remiss about blogging as am now on ravelry!! Great fun. Distracting though!

Also have been suffering from my usual knitting ADHD and have been starting, then rethinking projects. Fenella, which I blogged about recently, is about to become a bag. Its just not right in that heavy tweed aran! Started "Milla" from the latest Rowan Newsletter - trying out Patons Misty as a (cheaper) alternative to Kidsilk Haze; going well so far, will blog a photo soon. Also have plans to rip or revive this weekend! More on this later....

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